Rustic Lens

Don’t Be Caught Unprepared – Keep Your Camera With You

I do a lot of driving and try to always have my camera with me. You never know when the sun is...(Read More)

The Laws Railroad Museum and Historic Site

Hidden in the small community of Laws just a short distance from Bishop California is one of the...(Read More)


This is a fairy trap constructed by my daughter. Notice the way the box is tilted and balanced on...(Read More)

7 Ways We Have Changed In 100 Years and What’s Next

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane and see how things have changed in the last 100 years...(Read More)

River Of No Return Jet Boat Races – Riggins Idaho

Recipe for fun:  1 part wild and scenic raging river, 1 handful of insanely powerful jet boats, 1...(Read More)

Whitebird Grade – Whitebird Idaho

The Whitebird Grade has amazing views of the canyon nearly 3000 feet below, but it also has a lot...(Read More)

Local Explorations – North Central Idaho

When is the last time you found someplace new where you live?  I often take unknown roads and just...(Read More)

The Oregon Trail – Baker City Oregon

While exploring Eastern Oregon I discovered The Oregon Trail Interpretive Center.  I was at...(Read More)


Atomic Idaho – East Idaho Desert

Atomic research plays a big role in the history of eastern Idaho.  I recently learned that the first city in the world powered by atomic energy was Arco Idaho.  Scientists first made usable power from a nuclear reactor...(Read More)